Bangladesh v India - 2 Test Matches, January 2010

This is possibly the best day of my life.

For the next 4 days, I am a Bangladeshi

What will Sehwag say to the media personnels now? Lol! Such a humiliation for us.

He will probably just sing a song and do some Hero Honda commercials

With Tendulkar still out there,we should get to 300 easily,so no worries people. India has gone through such situations before and always come out strong. :)

Typical Indian cricket fan

Who will accompany Tendulkar? The legendary tailenders we have?

Smart Indian cricket fan

Failraj is just proving time and time again..why he doesnt deserve to be anywhere near the test arena...

Give his spot to someone who will play Test cricket with the respect and determination that is required.

Gonna throw this out into the open. If India by some horrible accident lost the series, would they be knocked of number 1? :p (We all know they are still going to beat Bangla tho)

They should

I think they only lose 1 point. Stupid.

Thats why the rankings are BS


Bangladesh FTW :D

In summary :)
For the next 4 days, I am a Bangladeshi

He will probably just sing a song and do some Hero Honda commercials

Typical Indian cricket fan

Smart Indian cricket fan

Give his spot to someone who will play Test cricket with the respect and determination that is required.

They should

Thats why the rankings are BS

In summary :)

The best of "India hate" that you can get!

From 213, if an Indian fan expects India to get to 300 with Sachin still in there, he is just not the typical Indian cricket fan. He is a sensible Indian cricket fan. Remember, thats possible even against sides like Australia, SA or England. Here its 'ordinary' Bangladesh.
It's UNFAIR, how some of you are saying, "Bangladesh got lucky" "they still have to pick up 20 wickets!!". Ok, 1st of all, how about a lil round of applause for some ordinary bowling here? Yes, Thank You. They worked hard for this, they got it, not just LUCK. So dont try to lower Bangladesh's credit and the effort by saying that, because it STILL doesn't hide Indians collapse. Give the credit where its due.

and 2ndly. Dont bring up high many wickets left for Bangladesh to pick up. Just DONT. We can count. And it doesnt matter how many wickets left, Bangladesh already won War 1, Shakib - 1 / Sehwag - 0.

They may have not won the test, but they surely have won many hearts.

I thought this too, but yesterday I read that hotspot cost ?5 million (so $7-8 million) to implement in a series, I don't imagine hawkeye cameras are cheap, or hurricane cams, so none of those either. so beyond stump mics, which are deemed unreliable, and iffy tv replays, there really wasn't much to make it worth doing.

No there was gonna be UDRS, but BCCI didnt agree to it. (check CI)

And what did i say?

I wish Mashrafe was here. Last time 1 of the Indian players opened his big mouth like that, (Ahem, ahem Kumble) and they got killed by Mashrafe. I really wish he was here.

Now Read This ▼▼

Last evening, in the hotel room, a relaxed Shakib Al Hasan refused to speak about Sehwag but told a story that perhaps was more revealing. It was from the eve of the game against India in the 2007 World Cup. Mashrafe Mortaza was chatting with a few Indian players, who apparently told him that the tournament schedule was very tight and they don't have many days to rest as they have to immediately travel to Bangladesh for a series.

The inherent assumption that India would reach the final stages of the tournament and they would knock out Bangladesh in that game stunned Mortaza, who went and narrated the incident to the team. "Mortaza steamed in and told us what happened and we were all charged up," Shakib remembered. "It felt special when we defeated them.

MacLovin added 0 Minutes and 44 Seconds later...

What will Sehwag say to the media personnels now? Lol! Such a humiliation for us.

Yeah, I just read that article just now. And the favourite quote from Indians about the Aussie's is that they are arrogant. Look in a mirror guys, some of the members of the Indian cricket team are so far up themselves, I'm surprised ████ doesn't literally come out their mouth when they talk!
OMG !! just 1 day and india is getting thrashed left,right and centre.
1 frikkin bad day and people are calling for their heads.

and they say indian fans are fickle !!! :D:laugh:rtfl
They may have not won the test, but they surely have won many hearts.

No there was gonna be UDRS, but BCCI didnt agree to it. (check CI)

And what did i say?

Now Read This ▼▼

Bangladesh should thank Sehwag for that! Had he not spoken those words, nobody would have cared as much as this. Due to his words, now their performance has got more than the deserved rating that it would actually get.

UDRS???? He he he he.... BCCI has done a rare great thing of rejecting that NONSENSE!!! If at all I would applaud at BCCI, its for doing this! Its in the limelight more for its controversial decisions. Before the focus was all on the umpire for the howlers, but here its leading to more tensions among the players and all the nasty work of trying to use the system as a tool to get an upper hand in the game, etc. Good that the BCCI have rejected it.

Also regarding that over-confidence before that World cup 2007 match, it had nothing to do with the fact that we were playing Bangladesh. It was the fact that everyone hyped up the team to win the World Cup even before it all started. Greg Chappell was brought to win us the World Cup and he made tall claims and promises and we all got into a dream world. Good that it got Bangladesh charged up. Even though we lost to Bangladesh, we still had a chance to make it had we beat SL.

SaiSrini added 1 Minutes and 56 Seconds later...

OMG !! just 1 day and india is getting thrashed left,right and centre.
1 frikkin bad day and people are calling for their heads.

and they say indian fans are fickle !!! :D:laugh:rtfl

Some of our very own are also part of this "bashing" trend.
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man hopefully both.
i said who will get it FIRST ;)

thought Shahdat should have 6 wickets now, Dropped ZKhan, and Shakib picked him up. And no 1 even bothered to take Sachins catch! hope that doesnt heart later on! Almost a perfectest day. still perfect. but feels safer with Sachin unpadded.
It's UNFAIR, how some of you are saying, "Bangladesh got lucky" "they still have to pick up 20 wickets!!". Ok, 1st of all, how about a lil round of applause for some ordinary bowling here? Yes, Thank You. They worked hard for this, they got it, not just LUCK. So dont try to lower Bangladesh's credit and the effort by saying that, because it STILL doesn't hide Indians collapse. Give the credit where its due.

this. indian fans seem to think their players should go out, perform crap and still win by rights.

fact, bangladesh have played better cricket than india so far. In any sport, if the team that has played better is ahead, it's not luck.
I just had to log in to check this thread coz i knew it would be a nice timepass. :P

First let me clear my self, I am one of those people who support underdogs and love to see them knocking some big names. We all love all time greatest fictious underdog "ROCKY", the senegal upsetting france in WC,zim beating aus in T20 etc.....

But i am a Indian fan too thus in this match i wont be rooting for Bengal Tigers to win. But i would still like to see them putting up a fight and force India to earn this victory/draw. An boy i am impressed by what i have seen thus far.

To Indian Fans: Rather than defending Sehwag and co, simply accept that they flipped up in this innings. Had sehwag been doing as much practise as he would have done for his english for press conferences then he might have played a better.:D (just a joke guys dont flame me:noway). All the Indian batsman played poor shots rather than unplayable deliveries. Here is my review of dismissals of top order:

Sehwag: There is a fielder in cover. Firstly you shouldnt be cover driving if there is a fielder there and secondly if you do play there then you dont play it in the air, you play it along the ground. Had the shot been along the ground, was he expecting the ball to go through the legs of fielder.??:facepalm

Gambhir: Hesitant cut on a wide delivery. You either play a full blodded cut/slash, cut along the ground or you leave it. If you a nowhere shot between any of these three shots you would be in trouble. That is what gambhir did. He wa niether keeping it on the ground nor in the air:eek:

Dravid the wall. WTF was that dravid. You were supposed to play by rotating strike and build the innings. Leave the striking the unthinkable fours and sixes to the more capable man(read Sachin). It was a full yorker on the off stump. Should have been defended or played straight back to bowler, could be played through cover. Anywher except square leg or mid on. Even if you wanna play a drive through mid-on on a off stumpish ball, you should move across the stumps first to cover the line then you play. ITs the basics mr dravid the wall. Even a club level player like me knows that.:doh

Yuvi yuvi yuvi, the king of fail;)
I guess less i say better it would be. Even i can get him out with my extremely fast deliveries at 25MPH:p. So it wasnt a surprise to see him getting out in that fashion. We are just tired yuvi. Murali Vijay is an amazing player and you are holding his place. Dont take your place for granted as thee is another kid on the block besides vijay. That is Kohli. I would be tempted to give even raina a chance in tests as his defense and game against spinners is far more superior than that of Yuvraj.

Karthik: He played the same shot couple of times in ODIs but got away. Wide ball,rash shot, just clearing fielder for four and commentators applauded him for great placement. Had they bashed him for played such a bad shot then he might not tried it today. Similar shot but Sakib got his man on the right place this time.:clap

Laxman: Didnt saw his dismissal,(was busy playing L4d2 with my friends:D). I read on cricinfo that he wa unlucky to got out so i cant comment on this one.

Tail:Amit and Zaheer tried their best, Hell they played more balls that some of top order batsmen:eek:. Couldnt have asked for a better performance from them.

AS you can see, all of the batsman got out to pretty ordinary balls. I dont wanna take anything away from Bengal tiger's performance. Thye were brilliant in the field, were bowling with a lot of heart and the field placings from sakib were great.(except the fact that he used two fielders on the deep square and deep fine leg when india were down on the mat. Sachin would never pull if there are 2 fielders to catch it. They should have them at square leg and short fine leg but a few yards outside the circle. That would tempt the sachin to go for pull.)

So summary is, Sehwag-Gambhir-yuvi-wall-karthik played worse shots rather than the ball being unplayable. If amit mishra can play out 42 balls then there are surely no demons in the pitch. :spy

To Bengal tigers and Other fans(underdog fans :P):

IT aint over untill it is over. Tomorrow morning, first hour would be crucial period for this match. If they can get Sachin out then they are in with a chance but if master doesnt get out then things would turn out to be bad for Bengal Tigers. Remember 2004 series?? when sachin scored 248notout against bangladesh, he had a partnership of over hundred run for last wicket with zaheer who scored 75:eek: in that match. So anything is possible in this match.

Personally i want people,media etc flame sehwag as much as possible in next 24 hours. Coz i wanna to see him angry. Everyone knows what a angry Sehwag capable of:banana2 . He is not one of those who would eat his words back. He would be feeling utterly humiliated. Thats why Sachin was at the post stumps press conference. Media would have bombed sehwag. So he would be on a mission in second innings. He would be trying to correct it. Concentrated sehwag+ Angry Sehwag = Bowlers Murder:D

India cannot loose this match. Why?

Wall is only vulnerable as long as it had to score runs. ?If you tell dravid to just stay on the crease and play out the whole day. Boy he would do that with eyes closed. Thats is flipping natural game :P

Add a defensive gambhir to that and you got a drawn match. ;)
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Here is fall of wickets from the test in 2004:

1-19 (Sehwag, 4.6 ov), 2-24 (Dravid, 7.4 ov), 3-68 (Gambhir, 17.2 ov), 4-232 (Ganguly, 62.3 ov), 5-291 (Laxman, 75.5 ov), 6-339 (Karthik, 89.3 ov), 7-348 (Pathan, 94.5 ov), 8-368 (Kumble, 100.5 ov), 9-393 (Harbhajan Singh, 105.4 ov), 10-526 (Khan, 136.4 ov)

9th wicket fell at 393 and then 10th at 526. Sachin had a brilliant partnership with Zaheer. So he knows how to play with tail and he trust them too.
Here is fall of wickets from the test in 2004:

9th wicket fell at 393 and then 10th at 526. Sachin had a brilliant partnership with Zaheer. So he knows how to play with tail and he trust them too.

Doubt it will happen.
The best of "India hate" that you can get!

From 213, if an Indian fan expects India to get to 300 with Sachin still in there, he is just not the typical Indian cricket fan. He is a sensible Indian cricket fan. Remember, thats possible even against sides like Australia, SA or England. Here its 'ordinary' Bangladesh.

According to cricinfo it's currently 'Ordinary India'
If the light goes a little low late in the day, shouldn't the batsmen consider playing on considering how easy it was scoring in the bangladeshi dew?
Sehwag still hasn't been proven wrong yet. :D

As I have said before, Bangladesh can beat top sides when they have luck. But not in Test cricket. Test cricket requires 5 days of luck for an underdog side which is pretty hard to come by when you're playing opposition that has proved itself internationally. I still think India is going to come back and win this game and if they don't, then they don't deserve to be considered one of the top teams in world cricket. Remember, Australia faced similar adversity on their last tour but came through.

All that said, Sehwag definitely proved his statements when he was batting. His 50 at greater than a run-a-ball really did make Bangladesh look ordinary and he gave his wicket away. But that's just his style of play.

Wow, umm yeah. First of all, Bangladesh weren't "lucky" yesterday, they actually bowled well. If anything India were a lot more lucky in the fact they could of already been bowled out by now if Bangladesh took all of there chances.

And how did Sehwag prove anything, he made 50 ffs. If Ricky Ponting came out and said "so and so are ordinary" and made 52 and his team were 211-8 at the end of the day would he be happy? Would he of thought he backed up his claims?

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