Australia's Tour Of India - 2008

Racial discriminati0on?

I knew Gambhir was guilty in the act but only 10% fee cut for Watson???

Aussies team & supports must be jumping (like Kangaroos of course ;)) as one of our important weapon is Banned for the Next test.

Pathetic !

I'm sure we'll hear Gavaskar go on and on about it, 'subcontinental players getting targetted' blah blah blah. He really means Indian players. Pakistani players for instance can take drugs and not even come out onto the field because they don't like the umpire's decision and the ICC will fall all over themselves to not offend them further.

My point in this matter a few pages ago was that Gambhir's actions, while they look fairly innocuous, are exactly the type of rubbish we need to stamp out. We can't start allowing batsmen to move outside their personal space and I'm glad they've decided to punish the first guy who tried it before anyone else gets any ideas.

As for Watson? Yeah he acted like a twit, but there isn't much precedent for one-match bans for players acting like a twit.

Your stupidity is laughable as I wasn't even comparing Johnson to Sharma. :rolleyes:

Well Johnson is a bit like Sharma in that he has periods of bowling where he looks brilliant, but others where you think geez thats not real good. And the original point was correct. For all the worship of Sharma, his average isn't that great (31 at present, vs Mitch 32.5). Personally I'd much prefer Sharma to Johnson overall, but Mitch's inconsistency actually plays to his advantage in that a batsman might only get 2 or 3 balls an over that test him and he tends to surprise them with his on target deliveries. Plus he's got good speed and the Aussie selectors love their speed. Be assured that as soon as Tait starts taking lots of wickets and improves his stamina, he'll be in the Test squad - and he's much more wayward than Johnson...
On the otherhand, Gambhir well and truly deserved his suspension. You can't go around hitting players that are bigger then you are, knowing fully well that they can't reteliate. Little smartass.
Didn't really expect anything different from you. I think Gambhir should have been fined 100% and Watson 50%. Of course, Watson gets away for running his mouth all day for two days with a 10% match fee infraction while Gambhir is handed a one match ban. It is a pretty ridiculous decision from the match referee, but nothing unexpected. After all, I don't think Ponting has had the correct over-rate in the last two years as captain, but there is not even a hint of raising a fine against him.

I hope Watson catches Gambhir in a local bar one day and shows him whos boss.
Too bad Watson has to resort to brute strength because his cricket skills fall so short in comparison.

sohummisra added 2 Minutes and 40 Seconds later...

As for Watson? Yeah he acted like a twit, but there isn't much precedent for one-match bans for players acting like a twit.
No one is asking for a 1 match ban for Watson. But getting away with a tiny little fine for verbally instigating all the batsmen through two days while the guy who reacted is banned one game is pretty ridiculous. I completely agree that Gambhir's punishment should have been greater but to have such a large disparity is ludicrous.
Check out the captaincy there... Kumble getting frustrated, and showing it with his reaction. And his field placings have been very wierd, his captaincy has been bad and his bowling has as usual been below average. HE'Z UNDER SERIOUS PRESSURE! He could undo all the good work done by our batters.
Check out the captaincy there... Kumble getting frustrated, and showing it with his reaction. And his field placings have been very wierd, his captaincy has been bad and his bowling has as usual been below average. HE'Z UNDER SERIOUS PRESSURE! He could undo all the good work done by our batters.
Kumble's captaincy is pretty pathetic. Maybe if we score 1000 runs next time we'll see 2 slips for our pace bowlers.
Lol now India know how we feel :) I can't believe he didn't have 2 slips for Sharma especially when they are up by 400+ runs. Sehwag is causing all sorts of problems, he actually looked more dangerous than the main spinners! High time he gets an Aussie citizenship and becomes our main spinner.
Sehwag almost had Hayden out there times in that over! Gee whiz.... although I'd put a lot of it down to complacency on Hayden's part.

sohummisra added 2 Minutes and 48 Seconds later...

Continuing on the Gambhir-Watson issue, Watson pleading "not guilty" to his charge highlights what a great prick he is.
Gambhir is banned. Sky sports confirms it and it sucks for India as he was in form.

Jit added 8 Minutes and 9 Seconds later...

India will miss Bhajji by looking at how dangerous is Sehwag on this pitch.
^^Yeah, aussies needed it badly.;) Hope that this match does'nt ends in a draw and hope that the next match becomes just a formality. Otherwise We'll really be in a spot of bother abour the openening combo.
Didn't really expect anything different from you. I think Gambhir should have been fined 100% and Watson 50%. Of course, Watson gets away for running his mouth all day for two days with a 10% match fee infraction while Gambhir is handed a one match ban. It is a pretty ridiculous decision from the match referee, but nothing unexpected. After all, I don't think Ponting has had the correct over-rate in the last two years as captain, but there is not even a hint of raising a fine against him.
What rubbish. Sledging is sledging, there have been no reports of Watson racially abusing Gambhir or saying anything personal and Gambhir goes an elbows a bloke. If you can't handle a bit've banter and someone trying to put you off your game then you have no place in International cricket. There is absolutely no excuse on a cricket field to physically touch or assault another player on the sole basis of him sledging you, no matter how much he gives it to you. His not discriminating against Gambhir or anything. If things were fair, we'd put boxing gloves on both of them and lock them in a cage together and see how Gambhir feels about physical abusing others players then as it seems that he has done this sort of thing in the past.

sohummisra said:
Too bad Watson has to resort to brute strength because his cricket skills fall so short in comparison.
Other way round. Gambhir has to resort to violence (cowardly to lay a finger on someone else on an International cricket field) and Watson bowled Gambhir out.
Well, what Gambhir did was a form of assault. He deserves a ban. Watson though shouldn't have gotten off so lightly.

And about Kumble, this will probably be his last test for a while. No wickets for how many overs? 80 odd? He isn't taking wickets here in the most helpful conditions, his captaincy is horrible and India now have 3 spinners going for 2 spots. I'd let him announce his retirement this series if he wanted otherwise drop!
I think in terms of Watson's charge, look at it like this; appealing is a necessary part of the game, but excessive appealing is a bookable offence. Similarly, having a word with a batsmen is one thing, but an excess of words can net up to 50% of a match fee.
What rubbish. Sledging is sledging, there have been no reports of Watson racially abusing Gambhir or saying anything personal and Gambhir goes an elbows a bloke.
Your viewpoint is really negative. Do you think racial abuse would have justified an elbow? It doesn't matter what type of abuse it is. A bit of banter is acceptable, but talking to the batsman two-three times in an over is hardly "a bit of banter". Besides, Watson stuck his arm out just as Gambhir was running past him before Gambhir came back and elbowed him. It wasn't an entirely unprovoked reaction. Of course, Watson is too much of a dickwad to accept being at fault for anything.

If you can't handle a bit've banter and someone trying to put you off your game then you have no place in International cricket. There is absolutely no excuse on a cricket field to physically touch or assault another player on the sole basis of him sledging you, no matter how much he gives it to you.
Read above. And I am not trying to make an excuse for Gambhir touching Watson, which you've failed to understand. I would have no issues with Gambhir's suspension if Watson had been given a rightful punishment. Its like tossing peanuts at Watson and throwing a ticking time bomb at Gambhir.

His not discriminating against Gambhir or anything. If things were fair, we'd put boxing gloves on both of them and lock them in a cage together and see how Gambhir feels about physical abusing others players then as it seems that he has done this sort of thing in the past.
I really don't understand your obsession with settling everything with a physical fight. We don't live in the 18th century any more.

Other way round. Gambhir has to resort to violence (cowardly to lay a finger on someone else on an International cricket field) and Watson bowled Gambhir out.
Watson bowling Gambhir out had nothing to do with the incident. And you completely ignore my point, which is that the DISPARITY BETWEEN THE PUNISHMENTS IS APPALLING. I myself called for a strong punishment for Gambhir and a strong (yet weaker than Gambhir) punishment for Watson. Watson bowled pretty pathetically for the most part. In fact, he had more of an effect with his mouth than with the ball.

sohummisra added 3 Minutes and 0 Seconds later...

I think in terms of Watson's charge, look at it like this; appealing is a necessary part of the game, but excessive appealing is a bookable offence. Similarly, having a word with a batsmen is one thing, but an excess of words can net up to 50% of a match fee.
I think Watson definitely crossed that line of excessive words. Even Brett Lee has a bit of banter on the field when he's bowled a couple of good deliveries. But Watson felt the need to sledge multiple times an over, regularly and constantly over the two days that his teams bowling was getting hammered around Kotla. Katich obviously got inspired as well, which is somewhat amusing given his talents and achievements with the ball.
I think Watson definitely crossed that line of excessive words. Even Brett Lee has a bit of banter on the field when he's bowled a couple of good deliveries. But Watson felt the need to sledge multiple times an over, regularly and constantly over the two days that his teams bowling was getting hammered around Kotla. Katich obviously got inspired as well, which is somewhat amusing given his talents and achievements with the ball.
Hey, he's got a Test 5! He's a star! :p
LMAO the bees flying over Dehli. Its like the players are sleeping or doing some ritual. I'm pretty sure I've seen this happen to NZ one time.

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